Arthroscopic Surgery in Las Vegas, NV: Your Questions Answered

January 30, 2018 9:37 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

So, your doctor is recommending that you see a surgeon for your knee problems, but you don’t quite know what to expect. The very mention of surgery is enough to send most people into a nervous tailspin, but don’t worry, because arthroscopic surgery is not as scary as it may sound. For starters, arthroscopic surgery is one of the least invasive procedures you can have. Don’t believe us? Read on! Here are the answers to some of your burning questions about arthroscopic surgery in Las Vegas, NV.

How is the procedure done?

As you might have guessed from the “-scopic” part of its name, arthroscopic surgery is performed using a scope and tools inserted through a small cut in the affected knee. Before surgeons perfected this technique, a patient with a damaged meniscus had two options: dealing with the discomfort, or undergoing surgery, which required a more invasive “open” procedure. Too often, open surgery would take longer to heal and also increased the overall risk to the patient, though arguably not as much as procedures in more vital parts of the body.

Do I need to be put under for the procedure?

As with any surgery, your surgeon will have their recommendations; however, generally speaking, patients are put under completely. Local anesthesia would not typically be the primary form of pain control for an arthroscopic procedure. There are, of course, risks that come along with being anesthetized, but your doctor will be able to address any of your concerns in your pre-surgery consultations.

Will I need pain control after the procedure?

Depending on the extent of your surgery, your doctor may prescribe you pharmaceutical pain medication to address your specific kind of discomfort. Generally speaking, arthroscopic procedures are less invasive and do not result in prolonged pain. An open procedure, on the other hand, may require an increased pain management regimen. Be sure to talk honestly with your doctor about the level of discomfort you are experiencing. Depending on your pain level, your surgery may not have completely taken care of the original issue.

How quickly can I return to work?

Missing work is always a concern for patients undergoing a surgical procedure. Luckily, the recovery time for arthroscopic surgery is fairly minimal. A person who works in an office and sits for the majority of their day might return to work between one and three weeks after their procedure. The doctor may require them to wear a knee brace or use crutches during this time to limit the potential for post-surgery damage.

A person with an active, physically demanding job, on the other hand, will likely be out of work for more than a month. For example, a police officer or fire fighter would likely be kept from work for six weeks or more to ensure that their knee has had time to heal properly.

Are you in need of surgery and searching for the procedure that will give you the best results? Call Bernard Ong, M.D. today for more information about arthroscopic surgery in Las Vegas, NV, or to schedule an appointment!

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